India is a secular and democratic country. Here many caste and communities live together from many centuries. we are proud of our communal harmony. India is the great. we love our India. but communal politics do not like communal harmony because it does not suit them. In India there are many political parties like Congress,BJP, Left front and some others regional parties., BIP, ,Shivsena and others some fundamentalist organisation like RSS, Bajrang are directly involved in communal politics. others political parities like Congress,CPM and others some political parties are not directly involved in communal politics but no serious activities against communal politics. it is very unfortunate and a great challenged to us that communal feeling and activities are increasing day by day in India.
India is one of the poorest countries in the world. The POVERTY in India isn't just psycological poverty. The poverty in India isn't just emotional poverty. The poverty in India isn't just social poverty. The poverty in India isn't just religious and cultural poverty. The poverty in India is an absolute poverty. The poverty in India involves poverty in every aspect of life.India is a country with many problems. many peoples are living here below poverty line (BPL), problems with health,education,pure drinking water ,unemployment are the major and others many problems. Maoist and others terrorist groups activities are increasing recently in India.but political parties are not interested about the problems and they are really blind about it ! what they do here? only want power and corruption any way are the main criteria of our great politics in India! most of politics would like it. nothing can be expected from them. what they can do for our country ! they always trying to spread propaganda and confusion among the peoples only for their interest. they are not interest about public interest.they always work only for their interest.
India is very poor in terms of education, in terms of economic improvement, infrastructure, health care, etc. Here are some of the problems facing India today. In today's India, there is nothing but
What we see dirty politics, corruption and Communal . politics by our great politics and Indian National party especially communal politics by BJP, RSS and others. What a magic!
India against corruption! Its really good for India. Recently we see the movements against corruption by Anna and Kejriwal. Well for India and also peoples of India!But CORRUPTION free society are .myth or reality?
communal politics are the great problems and challenged for Indian democracy and secularism.We can easily see the result of communal politics.
Many communal riots had been launched in India and many innocent common Muslims have been killed regularly. Many Mosquitoes have been destroyed here by BJP and RSS ,communal party in India.
The 2002 riots in Gujarat and 2012 riots in Assam are very pathetic and unfortunate.
The2002 Gujarat riots: Massacre in which over 2000 Muslim men, women and children were killed by organized mobs of the Hindu right wing under the protection of the Chief Minister (CM) of the Indian State of Gujarat, Narendra modi . Over 100,000 Muslims were displaced from their homes as a result of this pogrom. The attacks, massacres, rapes and displacement were extensively covered in the international media. Scathing reports from Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International as well as the Indian human rights organizations pointed out that the massacres and gang-rapes were coordinated, organized, and sanctioned
The AIMMM takes note of Janvikas report which says that out of the 200,000 Muslims displaced during the 2002 pogroms, 16,000 are still languishing in 83 refugee camps across the state. This is a matter of shame for the state of Gujarat and Central government. The AIMMM sincerely believes that the scars of 2002 will never be healed unless and until the state government and its head show remorse, apologise for their acts of omission and commission, make good the losses suffered by Muslims during those pogroms and make it possible for them to move back to their homes, lands and businesses in dignity. Unless and until this takes place, any talk of MODI becoming prime minister of India is a cruel joke which will lower the status and dignity of India in the eyes of the international community.Rehabilitation does not absolve Narendra Modis govt of 2002 Gujarat riots: UK paper.
We feel very sad about the present situation about the riots in ASSAM, , India. Many peoples are suffering a lot due to unsafe and their life are under in danger. specially minorities Muslims are mostly affected.
the government says the violence, in which 75 people have been killed and more than 400,000 displaced,most of them was Muslims.
But what we see that our great social worker Anna and Kejriwal are silence about communal riots and communal politics.They become deaf and dumb about it. It is very strange! Are they really love INDIA AND SECULAR DEMOCRACY and Indian peoples?
Why Anna and Kejriwal are not interested to do any movements against communal forces and Hindutva Fascism ?What is secret behind it?
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