Modi myth and the reality in Gujarat

It is claimed by supporters of Narendra Modi,CM of Gujarat that Modi is the best political leader. He can only save India and best candidate of future PM of India. Is it true or hitech propaganda ? What he did for Gujarat and what is the present situation in Gujarat?
Number of poor in Gujarat jumps by 39.06% in 12 years
The number of poor families in Gujarat’s villages have risen by at least 30 per cent over the last decade, going by the state government’s own data.
In April 2000, there were 23.29 lakh Below Poverty Line (BPL) families in the villages. The number rose to 30.49 lakh as on June 26, 2012, as per the “dynamic list” which the state rural development commissioner’s office constantly updates.
According to the list, which is based on a survey of 78.06 lakh families living in villages, the increase in the number of poor families in villages was 39.06% in percentage terms.
Rehabilitation does not absolve Narendra Modi's govt of 2002 Gujarat riots :UK paper
London: A leading British daily on Tuesday suggested that Britain and other countries, who have decided to engage with Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, should "make it clear that rehabilitation is not licence for the type of supremacist inspired nationalism that fuelled the 2002 massacres".
The state-wise per capita GDP growth rates ( A simple reading of that table is enough to make one skeptical of Modi's claims. Let us look at the GSDP growth rates for Gujarat (as per that table) as compared to that of India and of other states:
Period=====GSDP Growth Rate=====Rank
('04-06)======17.9 (12.3)===========3
(06-07)=======14.8 (15.0)==========15
(07-08)=======15.2 (14.8)==========10
(08-09)=======10.2 (13.3)==========23
(09-10)=======15.9 (14.4)==========9
(10-11)=======N/A (17.9)==========N/A
The data for 2010-11 is not available on wikipedia, but I am sure someone can find it somewhere.
STATUS OF Dalits in Gujarat IN GUJARAT
Atrocity against Dalits
Atrocity cases against Dalits vary in severity and form, and include the following:
1. Causing injury, insult, or annoynance to a Dalit;
2. Assaulting, raping, or using force of any kind against a Dalit woman or a Dalit girl;
3. Physically injuring or murdering a Dalit;
4. Occupying or cultivating any land owned by or alloted to a Dalit;
5. Forcing a Dalit to leave his/her house, village, or other place of residence;
6. Interfering with a Dalit’s legal rights to land, premises, or water;
7. Compelling or enticing a Dalit to do ‘begar’ or similar forms of forced or bonded labour;
8. Intentionally insulting or intimidating a Dalit with the intent to humiliate him.
Number of poor in Gujarat jumps by 39.06% in 12 years
The number of poor families in Gujarat’s villages have risen by at least 30 per cent over the last decade, going by the state government’s own data.
In April 2000, there were 23.29 lakh Below Poverty Line (BPL) families in the villages. The number rose to 30.49 lakh as on June 26, 2012, as per the “dynamic list” which the state rural development commissioner’s office constantly updates.
According to the list, which is based on a survey of 78.06 lakh families living in villages, the increase in the number of poor families in villages was 39.06% in percentage terms.
Rehabilitation does not absolve Narendra Modi's govt of 2002 Gujarat riots :UK paper
London: A leading British daily on Tuesday suggested that Britain and other countries, who have decided to engage with Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, should "make it clear that rehabilitation is not licence for the type of supremacist inspired nationalism that fuelled the 2002 massacres".
The state-wise per capita GDP growth rates ( A simple reading of that table is enough to make one skeptical of Modi's claims. Let us look at the GSDP growth rates for Gujarat (as per that table) as compared to that of India and of other states:
Period=====GSDP Growth Rate=====Rank
('04-06)======17.9 (12.3)===========3
(06-07)=======14.8 (15.0)==========15
(07-08)=======15.2 (14.8)==========10
(08-09)=======10.2 (13.3)==========23
(09-10)=======15.9 (14.4)==========9
(10-11)=======N/A (17.9)==========N/A
('04-06)======17.9 (12.3)===========3
(06-07)=======14.8 (15.0)==========15
(07-08)=======15.2 (14.8)==========10
(08-09)=======10.2 (13.3)==========23
(09-10)=======15.9 (14.4)==========9
(10-11)=======N/A (17.9)==========N/A
The data for 2010-11 is not available on wikipedia, but I am sure someone can find it somewhere.
STATUS OF Dalits in Gujarat IN GUJARAT
Atrocity against Dalits
Atrocity cases against Dalits vary in severity and form, and include the following:
1. Causing injury, insult, or annoynance to a Dalit;
2. Assaulting, raping, or using force of any kind against a Dalit woman or a Dalit girl;
3. Physically injuring or murdering a Dalit;
4. Occupying or cultivating any land owned by or alloted to a Dalit;
5. Forcing a Dalit to leave his/her house, village, or other place of residence;
6. Interfering with a Dalit’s legal rights to land, premises, or water;
7. Compelling or enticing a Dalit to do ‘begar’ or similar forms of forced or bonded labour;
8. Intentionally insulting or intimidating a Dalit with the intent to humiliate him.
2. Assaulting, raping, or using force of any kind against a Dalit woman or a Dalit girl;
3. Physically injuring or murdering a Dalit;
4. Occupying or cultivating any land owned by or alloted to a Dalit;
5. Forcing a Dalit to leave his/her house, village, or other place of residence;
6. Interfering with a Dalit’s legal rights to land, premises, or water;
7. Compelling or enticing a Dalit to do ‘begar’ or similar forms of forced or bonded labour;
8. Intentionally insulting or intimidating a Dalit with the intent to humiliate him.
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