India is a secular and democratic country. Here many caste and communities live together from many centuries. we are proud of our communal harmony. India is the great. we love our India. but communal politics do not like communal harmony because it does not suit them. In India there are many political parties like Congress,BJP, Left front and some others regional parties.BIP,Shivsena and others some fundamentalist organisation like RSS, Bajrang are directly involved in communal politics. others political parities like Congress,CPM and others some political parties are not directly involved in communal politics but no serious activities against communal politics. it is very unfortunate and a great challenged to us that communal feeling and activities are increasing day by day in India.
BJP, Shivsena ,RSS,Bajrang and others some fundamentalists ,extremists are playing systematically to create a division among the healthy society. they do not think about the development of our country and only one aims to create anti Muslims environment among the peoples of our country. they always trying propaganda about Muslims in India and spreading the hatred. it is very unfortunate and sad to us about this dirty communal politics. they want power anyway by the means of dirty communal politics and India is suffering for them. humanity ,morality,nationality and cultures are less or no value to them. what a magic politics! most of the politics are corrupted in India. are they really love India! are they really want development! India is a country with many problems. many peoples are living here below poverty line (BPL), problems with health,education,pure drinking water ,unemployment are the major and others many problems. Maoist and others terrorist groups activities are increasing recently in India.but political parties are not interested about the problems and they are really blind about it ! what they do here? only want power and corruption any way are the main criteria of our great politics in India! most of politics would like it. nothing can be expected from them. what they can do for our country ! they always trying to spread propaganda and confusion among the peoples only for their interest. they are not interest about public interest.they always work only for their interest.
most of the youth generation are very pleased to know that India is great and feel proud of Indian. but it has less value to the noble politics leaders of our country. Nationality , moralities and development of our country are far behind. we need to changed our outlook and attitude. most of the officers in Government department are involved in corruption. Government are quiet silence about it. lot of black money are here and Government would not like to recover them for public interest. they always think about the vote bank policy and ready to do any dirty politics and ready to play communal card for only their interest.what a magic
politics in India!
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